Greener Grass
presented by Jenifer Nails & Angelika Loderer
KS Room, Kornberg, AT
July 17 – August 28, 2016
Aleksandra Bielas
Christiane Blattmann
Andy Boot
Sofia Duchovny
Jürgen Kleft
Angelika Loderer
Elfie Semotan
Come in, close your eyes.
Feel what is there - touch, taste, smell, see, listen. Move along the existing path, along the wooden bed, the old sideboard, the open book - probably in French - the small sofa beneath the window, the unchanging view:
green... the fluffy rug that lies on the floor, covered with laundry.
The presence of the wardrobe makes you turn, the smooth and shiny surface, a short creaking noise and the doors are open. “Climb down with me the thousand stairs.” Deeper and deeper. Another space opens up, a new room is determined and created with identical fragments.
They even follow you in your dreams. The placement creates a different space.
Bound to architectonic elements, the gaps, the in-betweenness that defines the relations and the dialectic of outside and inside. A small wet palm finds my hand.
Can I go out?